Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Shrinking Days Of Summer Weigh In #2

I'm actually really surprised to report a loss. I am down 1 pound!! I did REALLY well until the weekend hit *sigh*. Those are always my downfalls. Dang it!! But, it's a new week and I plan to make the most of it, weekend and all. :)

So here are the stats for the week:

Starting Weight: 166.8

Week 1: -1 lb. (165.8)

Challenge Goal Weight: 152.8



Brooke said...

congrats! :) the weekend are tough, we'll eventually figure out a way to get through them.

The Sisterhood of the Shrinking Jeans said...

Great job, Michelle! I have a tough time on weekends, too. Sometimes I just want to skip right over them :)

Tonia Kendrick said...

Great job, Michelle! Go Team Pink!

april said...

Congrats on the loss! Totally know what you mean about weekends!

Sue said...

Congrats!! Go Team Pink!!